The World Children’s Prize 2017-2018 has been officially launched today in Sweden, at World Children’s Day. The 2016—2017 edition saw six schools in the 50 communities of ICI’s ECLIC project participating in the training of children and teachers on children's rights and child protection laws and policies.

Through the World Children’s Prize programme, children are educated and empowered to become actors of change, capable of defending human values, equal rights, the Rights of the Child, democracy and sustainable development. The majority of children live in poor and conflict-affected countries. Children used as soldiers, child slaves or exploited in sex trade learn for the first time that they have rights and can make their voices heard.

For the 2017 – 2018 edition, children living in cocoa growing areas in Côte d' Ivoire, with the support of the ECLIC project funded by the US government, will receive training and benefit from awareness-raising programs in a number of schools in 50 communities; they will be also able to participate again in the international vote.

Already last year, pupils from the public primary schools of Ouyably-Gnondrou, Petit Guiglo, Sokoura, Sakua, Jeannotkro and Greguibre in the departments of Kouibly, Duékoué, Soubré, Gagnoa, San-Pedro and Sassandra took part in the initiative.  This was the result of collaboration between the World's Children's Prize organisation and field coordination with school teachers and regional education bodies (DREN, IEP).