Terms of Reference: Feasibility study for the development of grievance mechanism for the cocoa sector in Ghana
Type de contrat
Date limite de candidature

In response to the ongoing need for robust mechanisms to respect human and children’s rights along the cocoa value chain, preventing and remediating potential abuses and violations of children and adult rights, ICI seeks to commission a feasibility study in cocoa supply chain of Ghana on child-friendly grievance mechanism. The study’s goal is to identify the necessary criteria for successfully implementing government and private sector grievance mechanism in Ghana's cocoa sector  

The grievance mechanism feasibility study will be conducted in growing regions of Ghana. The grievance mechanism should focus on feasibility, and under which conditions the system could work and how and under which conditions it could be child-friendly. The study should start by looking at existing examples in other countries of a child-friendly grievance mechanism in the cocoa and other agricultural sectors, other sectors could be included. The child-friendly grievance mechanism will be aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and it should meet the following requirements: 

  • Provide equal access and address the needs of individual in cocoa-growing communities: The mechanism should be easily accessible to all men and women as well as children in cocoa-growing communities of Ghana, ensuring equitable access for whose rights have been violated
  • Record and manage all relevant complaints: It should be capable of recording complaints related to rights violations of children and adult in cocoa-growing communities
  • The child-friendly grievance mechanism should be able to recommend a system/mechanism (committee or other) where the complaints should be received and addressed, both at the community as well as at the district level
  • The study should look at the possibility to have a private sector mechanism and/or a government base mechanism  
  • Simplify the reporting process: Once a grievance is reported, the mechanism should ensure it is forwarded to the appropriate agency(ies) or companies involved, without requiring multiple reports. Where the grievance is of criminal in nature, the mechanism must ensure it is referred to appropriate authorities within the district without delay 
  • Independent management: The mechanism should be managed by an independent organization or institution for instance Social Welfare Department to ensure impartiality.
  • Ensure effective follow-up: Adequate follow-up measures must be generated, implemented, and tracked to address grievances effectively.


The feasibility study is scheduled to be conducted from December 2024 to May 2025. The timeline is structured as follows:

Deadline for applicationsDecember 11, 2024
Selection of consultantsEnd December 18, 2024
Contract’s signatureBy mid-January 2025
Revision and Extension of Stakeholder AnalysisJanuary 2025
Interviews with Relevant Stakeholders February 2025
Implementation of Local Workshops April 2025   
Finalization of Draft Report and Feedback May 2025
Submission of report June 2025
Publication of Final Report June 2025


ICI is seeking a consultant with experience conducting similar feasibility studies in cocoa regions of Ghana. The selected consultant or organization will be responsible for delivering the following services:

Feasibility Study:

  • Develop a preliminary concept for implementing a child-friendly grievance mechanism. This should focus on the cocoa sector including other sectors within the cocoa regions
  • Conduct a desk review of child rights risks in the specified districts within the cocoa sector.
  • Perform an actor analysis and provide recommendations for the appropriate actors to be involved in implementing the child-friendly grievance mechanism. ICI Social protection mapping study report will be available for the selected consultant to study to guide the analysis and the recommendation
  • Establish a set of criteria necessary for the successful implementation of a child friendly grievance mechanism.
  • Identify potential risks to the implementation and propose strategies to mitigate these risks.
  • Develop a step-by-step approach for finalizing the concept, including a proposal for institutionalizing the child-friendly grievance mechanism, including reporting mechanisms, and defining responsibility for the follow-up of case management of received grievances 
  • Develop a budget for the implementation of the proposed child friendly grievance mechanism and identify potential funding sources.

Workshops and Interviews

  • Conduct workshops and interviews with stakeholders, ensuring a participatory approach, including children, parents, child labour committee members. At least four local workshops must be conducted in the specified districts, involving local actors such as cooperatives, traders, unions and service providers. Participants should be selected in collaboration with ICI and other local partners.

Calendar: The consultancy is planned to start in December 2024 and to be completed in June 2025


The consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables:



Inception Report

Outlining the study’s approach, methodology, and timeline.

31st January 2025 - at most 7 days after signing the contract. 


Draft Report

A comprehensive analysis including the preliminary concept, risk assessment, and recommendations.

10th May 2025


Final Report (including executive summary)

Incorporating feedback from ICI and stakeholders. The executive summary should include a concise overview of the findings and recommendations

The final report should include practical suggestions for implementing the grievance mechanism

On/before 10th June 2025


PowerPoint Presentation

Summarizing the findings for various audiences.

17th June 2025

Team Composition and Qualifications

Qualifications of the Team Leader (national consultant)

  • Post-tertiary university qualification in Human Rights, International Relations, Agriculture, or related fields.
  • Business language proficiency in English and Ghanaian Language (preferably “TWI”).
  • 5+ years of professional experience in agricultural supply chains, human/child rights, or similar.
  • 5+ years of experience in agricultural value chain management with a focus on human rights due diligence, including 2 years in the cocoa sector.
  • 5 years of experience in development/Cooperation project, projects in West Africa including experience in English- speaking West Africa. 
  • Proven experience conducting national interviews and reviewing grievance mechanisms

Team members (Maximum 3-members, national consultants)

Qualifications of team members:

  • A university qualification (Masters) in Agriculture, International Relations, Human Rights, or related fields.
  • Fluent in English   and Ghanaian Language (preferrable TWI)
  • Expertise with at least 5 years of experience in agricultural supply chains focusing on human rights. 
  • Expertise with at least 3 years of professional experience in the cocoa supply chain.
  • Expertise with at least 5 years working in Ghana.
  • Expertise with at least 5 years of experience conducting national interviews and reviewing grievance mechanisms.

How to apply

Interested consultants should send a technical and financial proposal, describing their relevant experience and capacity to undertake the assignment. The proposed budget and technical proposal must be submitted by email with the email subject: Child-Friendly grievance mechanism feasibility study” to: 
recruitment-gha@cocoainitiative.orgby December 4, 2024. 

For additional technical questions:  

Please compile your offer as a single document (ideally pdf).  

The offer must include: 

  • Information on prior experience and how the contractor meets the requirements above, including at least one example of a previous assignment on human rights and agricultural supply chains. (2 pages, max.)
  • Technical and financial offer, including the total amount offered in Ghanaian Cedi. Note that the budget should detail all staff and material costs, including travel expenses and other fees. (5 pages, max.)
  • CVs of the team leader and other key team members (Maximum 3 + the Team Lead)
  • Contact details of three referees.

By submitting your application, you consent to us processing your data for the purpose of evaluating your application for this consulting position. We will keep your application data confidential and only use it for recruitment purposes. Once the consulting position is closed, your application will be deleted.

Please note that only those candidates who match the above requirements and who have been selected for interview will be contacted.

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NB: ICI est un employeur soucieux de l'égalité des chances et interdit toute forme de discrimination. A cette fin, ICI s'engage à respecter le principe d'égalité des chances et de non-discrimination pour tous les employés et candidats à l'embauche et à offrir aux employés un environnement de travail équitable et sans discrimination

ICI applique une tolérance zéro pour toutes les formes de négligence, d'abus (sexuels, physiques, émotionnels et psychologiques) et d'exploitation (sexuelle et commerciale) des enfants.

ICI s'engage à placer l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant au centre de son travail, indépendamment de ses capacités, de son origine ethnique, de sa foi, de son sexe, de sa sexualité et de sa culture.

ICI reconnaît sa responsabilité d'assurer et de promouvoir un environnement sûr et sécurisé pour les enfants. Pour gérer efficacement les risques encourus par les enfants, ICI a besoin de l'engagement, du soutien et de la coopération de l'ensemble du personnel, des associés, des partenaires, des fournisseurs, des prestataires de services et des visiteurs. En postulant à ICI, vous acceptez automatiquement les conditions ci-dessus et de respecter les principes qui y sont décrits.

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ICI s'engage à respecter le principe de l'égalité des chances en matière d'emploi et de la non-discrimination pour tous et toutes les employés-ées et candidats ou candidates à l'emploi, et à offrir à ses employés et employées un environnement de travail équitable et exempt de toute discrimination.


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