The International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) and Station Energy joined forces to bring light to 29 cocoa-growing communities within ICI intervention zones. The joint project called "In the Dark? A Light for Africa" aims to raise awareness while also having a lasting social impact.

"In the dark? A Light for Africa" aims to equip 500 literacy committees with individual solar kits. There are more than 5,000 vulnerable children in ICI’s cocoa-growing communities that will be positively impacted by the arrival of solar energy. The access to energy allows the improvement of educational and social conditions of the targeted areas. This action aims to raise awareness amongst the communities regarding the use of solar energy and therefore foster the deployment of productive solutions from renewable energies.

solar energy

The project's approach is supported by the expertise of the Station Energy Group, who have been awarded several innovation prizes in Côte d'Ivoire and internationally. Station Energy conceives and installs innovative solutions to give access to energy and basic services in Africa. The company offers a range of solar micro-infrastructures that fulfil essential needs of rural populations: solar pumps to allow access to water and increase agricultural productivity; solar cold storage rooms to reduce agricultural losses and improve logistical management; solar micro-plants to allow access to electricity and foster artisanal and industrial development; solar kiosks to give access to digital services, which fosters economic diversification and social decompartmentalization: telecommunications, distribution, small bank agencies, etc.

"At ICI, we consider that the improvement of the living conditions of cocoa-growing communities contributes to the well-being of children, which is our mission. These solar kits are intended mainly to supply lighting to literacy centres. That's why, thanks to Station Energy, we can provide the communities with better conditions for learning.  In fact, access to electricity is one of the priorities in the Community Action Plans developed by the communities and which connects perfectly with the "In the Dark? A Light for Africa" project, said Euphrasie Aka, ICI’s Regional Representative for Western and Central Africa.