A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) and the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) in Ghana.
The signing of this MOU, shows ICI’s willingness to financially and technically support the child protection activities of Ghana through our work with the ministry. This will be in relation to the launch and implementation of Phase Two of the National Plan of Action (NPA 2) on the Worst Forms of Child Labour. This strategy will guide the implementation of child labour activities in Ghana from 2016-2021.
Under this MOU ICI commits to support the launch of the NPA 2. This support will be further extended to cover the review of the Ghana Child Labour Monitoring System (GCLMS). The review will link the GCLMS to the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) common targeting mechanism as well as the private Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS) to promote coordination.
The National Steering Committee on Child Labour (NSCCL) and its sub-committees will also be supported by the Foundation. This will help the NSCCL to carry out its role of coordinating child labour interventions in Ghana.