The toll-free Helpline of Hope (0800 800 800 or 0800 900 900) serves as a major entry point for individuals in Ghana who are victims, or have come across cases, of child labour, forced labour and human trafficking to lodge their complaints on these cases and other social issues.

Raising awareness about the toll-free Helpline of Hope is essential to increase its use. ICI has developed a film and radio spots to increase awareness about labour rights in the context of cocoa farming and the Helpline of Hope in the following districts: Atiwa East, Atwima Mponua, Wassa Amenfi and Bibiani-Ahnwiaso-Bekwai.

Guidance document

This document explains when, where and how to use the film and radio spots.


In Twi with English subtitles


In Twi (no subtitles)


Radio spots

Only available in Twi