2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. At the International Cocoa Initiative, we have over 13 years of experience tackling the issue with our partners. We work with the cocoa industry, civil society, governments, and others to implement solutions that protect children and support cocoa communities. To mark this International Year, we are sharing information about the approaches and interventions that have been proven to work. Find out more about what works to tackle child labour.

Five ways education can help tackle child labour in cocoa-growing communities

Education is central to tackling child labour. Over the years ICI has supported thousands of children in cocoa-growing communities to access to quality education. As research has shown, child labour rates are lower in communities with better access to quality education. Learn more.

Five benefits Community Service Groups can bring to farming communities

One way to support cocoa farming communities and tackle child labour is by training and equipping community service groups. These groups can assist farmers and entire communities, while also benefitting children. Such communal groups were common in cocoa-growing areas in West Africa but the practice has declined in many places, meaning that when they are revived, their support is likely to be welcomed. Here we share five benefits that these labour groups can provide to cocoa-growing communities.  Learn more.

Five ways Village Savings and Loans Associations can benefit cocoa communities

Empowering members of cocoa-growing communities can play an important role in tackling child labour. When farmers, particularly women, have the power to make decisions and sustain their households through other sources of income than cocoa, it can mean real benefits for child protection. That’s why, with our partners, we support the setup of Village Savings and Loans Associations, or VSLAs. Learn more.

Five reasons nurturing youth skills is important for cocoa communities

Supporting older children in cocoa-growing communities is crucial as they can often find themselves at higher risk of child labour. In this article, we explore some of the benefits that building up the skills of youth can bring to the children themselves and the wider community. Learn more.

Five ways Income Generating activities can benefit cocoa communities

Supporting the development of Income Generating Activities (IGAs), which provide different and additional ways to earn money, is one way to support cocoa communities. When used as part of a wider package of interventions they can help to boost farmer resilience, empower women, and increase child protection. Learn more.

Five ways women’s empowerment can help in the fight against child labour

We support our partners to empower women in cocoa communities. That’s because women have a crucial role to play in the fight against child labour. In this article we explore some of the ways that supporting women in cocoa-growing communities can be beneficial to child protection. Learn more.

This article is part of a series highlighting what works to tackle child labour. At ICI we are working with our partners and the wider cocoa sector to ensure that these activities are scaled up as part of child protection systems to reach all those in need. Find out more in our 2021-2026 strategy.