ICI participated in a workshop that was organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) in March. This was a one-day workshop named Cocoa, an unsavoury sweet?. It brought together the different stakeholders in the cocoa industry with representatives from labour organisations, European institutions, producing countries, NGOs and the industry.

The aim of the workshop was to assess progress and share practices and challenges to eradicating child labour from cocoa production.

According to a report by Capacity4dev, “practices presented at the workshop showcased the joint work between the Fair Labor Association, the International Cocoa Initiative and Nestlé on a monitoring system for identifying and eliminating cases of child labour from Nestlé’s supply chain.” This monitoring system is known as the Child-Labour Monitoring and Remediation System (CLRMS).

The report further mentions that since 2012, the CLMRS has aided Nestlé in identifying over 7,327 cases of child labour with at least 5,232 of them addressed.