The Spanish multinational and European chocolate company NATRA have announced that they are joining the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI), a leading organization working on sustainable solutions to social challenges in the cocoa sector, specifically centred on tackling child labour and promoting child protection. The announcement makes NATRA the first chocolate company to join ICI since the launch of its new 2015-2020 Strategy.

“By joining ICI and linking up with the efforts of many other companies and civil society organisations who support us, NATRA has confirmed that social responsibility truly is at the heart of its values and operations,” says Nick Weatherill, Executive Director of ICI.

Guided by the principle of “shared responsibility”, ICI counts some of the largest and most influential chocolate companies, traders and processors among its members and partners (including ADM, Armajaro, Barry Callebaut, Cargill, Ferrero, Hersheys, Mondelez, Mars, Nestle, Olam, Toms, Touton and Twinings), as well as international organisations (ILO, UNICEF) and civil society organisations (The Sustainable Trade Initiative, Save the Children – Sweden, Solidaridad, Global March, Free the Slaves, and WAO Afrique).

“NATRA is proud to become a Member of ICI and contribute to collective actions that have already produced impressive results in raising the profile of children in cocoa sustainability, in reducing child labour in cocoa communities and in improving children’s chances for a better future “ says Javier Almela, Natra’s Senior Purchasing Advisor and member of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee “As stated in our 2020 Commitment to CRS, we are focused on the sustainability of our business within a cocoa sector that is viable in the long-term, and we share ICI’s vision of thriving cocoa-communities where children’s rights are respected and protected. Our partnership with ICI will help this to become a reality.”


Natra is a manufacturer of cocoa derivatives and chocolate products, with a specialized approach to the distribution brand and other food companies in over 60 countries of the five continents. Natra’s products are present in the largest retailers worldwide, to whom Natra provides one of the most extensive product catalogues in the chocolate industry as well as constant commitment in innovation and research of new recipes, packaging and tailor-made solutions. Natra is quoted on the Spanish Stock Exchange.

Download Natra’s 2020 Commitment to CSR

Download Natra’s 2013 Annual Report

About ICI

The International Cocoa Initiative is the leading organisation promoting child protection in cocoa-growing communities. ICI works with the cocoa industry, civil society and national governments in cocoa-producing countries to ensure a better future for children and contribute to the elimination of child labour. Download ICI’s Strategy 2015-2015Download ICI 2013 Annual Report